Dan Grade Assessment – 24th March 2018
Dan assessment class 12:15-14:15pm on this Saturday 24th March at Dalgety Bay Dojo. Should be attended by anyone wishing to take a dan grading in the near future.
Dan assessment class 12:15-14:15pm on this Saturday 24th March at Dalgety Bay Dojo. Should be attended by anyone wishing to take a dan grading in the near future.
Kihon page updated to provide JKA videos of the following techniques; Age Uke Soto Uke Uchi Uke Shoto Uke Choku Zuki Oi Zuki Gedan Bari / Gyaku Zuki Uchi Uke / Gyaku Zuki Shuto Uke / Nukite Mae Geri Link is here: http://www.jkakaratedalgetybay.co.uk/kihon-2/
New video added. Sensei Stewart demonstrates kicking techniques for front kick (mae geri) side thrust kick (kekome) reverse kick (ushiro geri). Follow this link – http://www.jkakaratedalgetybay.co.uk/videos/
JKA Scotland Squad Training this Saturday 17/3 at Dalgety Bay Dojo 2-4pm. All brown and black belts welcome.
10th November 2018, location tbc
19th – 21st October 2018, Dunfermline High School
2nd September 2018, Dunfermline High School
16th June 2018, location to be announced
Special May course – Dunfermline High School, 19th May 2018