Day: 29 July 2013

Heian Shodan

Kata are prearranged sequences of blocks and attacks. There are 26 kata generally held to be part of JKA Karate. Most kata are advanced kata. For your first grading, you will be assessed on Kihon. Heian Shodan is the second basic kata. {youtube}|600|450|1{/youtube}

Heian Sandan

Heian Sandan is the third of the basic katas, excluding kihon. It involves rapid movements as well as moves co-ordinating blocks with the feet, elbows and finishing the opponent with uraken. {youtube}|600|450|1{/youtube}

Tekki Shodan

Tekki Shodan, and all the tekki katas, are unusual in that there are no forward or backward movements, only sideways. {youtube}|600|450|1{/youtube}

Bassai Dai

This is one of the brown belt katas you must know for shodan grading, although you do not have to perform it for grading purposes. {youtube}|600|450|1{/youtube}


This is one of the brown belt katas you must know for shodan grading, although you do not have to perform it for grading purposes. {youtube}|600|450|1{/youtube}